Числата до 1000. Четене, писане, сравняване - нови знания

Числата до 1000. Четене, писане, сравняване - нови знания

3 клас
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  • Image for quiz
    Числото е:
  • Посочи числото шестстотин.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Посочи многоцифреното число.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
  • Slide image
  • Image that adds addition information to an open question
    Запиши числото с цифри.
    • "600"
  • Свържи.
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
      3 стотици
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
      8 стотици
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
      3 единици
    • Image for the left image of the connect pair
      3 десетици
  • Image for quiz
    Това число е:
  • триста двадесет и пет
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
    двеста четиридесет и две
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
    сто петдесет и четири
    Image answer for a group Image answer for a group Image answer for a group
  • Намирам се 233 и 235. Посочи ме.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Имам 24 десетици. Посочи ме.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Image for quiz
    Кое е вярно?
    678 < 680
    678 < 599
    678 > 768
  • Посочи най-голямото число.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Посочи чилото което има 4 дес. и е най-малко.
    Pick the correct location on this image
  • Коя ще бъде следващата фигура?
    Image on which participants will draw, thus giving answers
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